Danny Jones PAC
Danny Jones PAC

Vitality Men's Center

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Hormone Replacement Therapy Services in Boise, Idaho - Popular Way to Treat May Conditions

Hormone Replacement Therapy is a popular way to treat many conditions, but is HRT therapy safe for everyone? Many HRT treatments are known to cause serious side effects, including heart attacks, stroke, acne, high blood pressure, breast cancer, infertility, stress, and fatigue, to name a few. Hormone replacement therapy is often recommended by doctors to improve the quality of life of patients who suffer from the symptoms of menopause or who have had hormone therapy treatment for cancer, as it has been known to bring relief to many women. Hormone replacement therapy is often used to treat ailments that manifest themselves in the breast, such as gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is the condition wherein a woman develops 'woman-like breast tissue. HRT therapy is also sometimes prescribed for conditions that affect men's hormones, like low testosterone and higher estrogen levels. Boise, ID can be seen here.

"Denny Page, M.D. practices complementary and alternative medicine at Body Logic MD of Idaho, ID, where he provides hormone replacement therapy services to men and women suffering from the uncomfortable side effects caused by menopause, andropause, and various other hormone imbalances. He is a certified member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and a member of the board of directors for the International Society for Hormone Treatment. Dr. Page believes that natural and holistic approaches to health are better than modern medical approaches and that hormonal imbalance is just one symptom of an underlying problem. Click here to read about Improve Your Health with Hormone Replacement Therapy Services in Boise, Idaho.


HRT, including herbal supplements, has been known to cause some dangerous side effects, so it is not advised for men or women suffering from any of these symptoms. Hormone replacement therapy is not intended to cure or treat any disease. It simply attempts to replace the hormones that have been "supposed" to be depleted during the course of normal menopause. HRT may be prescribed in conjunction with standard hormonal therapy in cases where symptoms persist or have become worse due to stress, aging, smoking, or other factors, so consulting your doctor before starting a regimen is advisable.


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